French in Action (1987– )
6 December 2004
Wow, I cannot believe that there are other people in the world that know of this obscure little show!!! I just happened to come across it by chance at 6 a.m. one morning when I couldn't sleep and because I like listening to other languages, I watched it. And, not knowing a word of French, all of the little plot twists seemed so bizarre!! But after a while, I could grasp it . . . you have to keep in mind that for the first two weeks, I hadn't seen the first few minutes of the show where they describe what the hell the show even is anyway, so I was totally confused, but for some reason I kept getting up and watching it.

It comes on PBC, or channel 12 where I am at 6 in the morning on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and on channel 13 for an hour (2 episodes) at nine in the morning, and is then followed by a similar German show, where nothing but German is spoken.

I just can't believe that I found people in the 2000s that know this show!! Weird . . .

So far I've only been watching this show for like, 2 months.

I think this is a great way to learn conversational French. How do we learn conversational English? By hearing nothing but it, which is what the show does for us in French.
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