A Different Milk Perspective
14 December 2004
Though I'm probably one of the few, I'll proudly proclaim here and now that I like Super Milk Chan. I find it to be very funny. I cracked up throughout the homeless episode, and even more at the sequel to the homeless episode, (which was exactly the same as the original homeless episode but with different props and jokes...too funny).

Yes, there's no real plot, though I guess that in and of itself could be considered a plot, and yes, the characters are rude. I just find the idea of a 5 year old super hero with no real super powers, who curses out the President, drools constantly, drinks milk from a bottle, and refuses to pay her rent (rent? ...for a 5 year old?) unbelievably hilarious.

I've read comparisons of Super Milk Chan and the PowerPuff girls, many of which are accurate. Both the PPGs and Milk receive information about crimes or other disasters in progress from top political figures. For the PPGs it's the Mayor and for Milk it's the President (of everything). They both resolve the crime or conflict by the end of the episode. They're both cute in a disturbing way. They're both children, and both shows have a sizeable dose of pop culture mixed into the episodes.

That's just about where the comparisons end. Whereas the PowerPuff Girls could be considered to have lite PG-rated content (after all, there's fighting, teeth being knocked out, bruises and broken bones), Super Milk Chan is, in my opinion, a solid R. Milk ridicules everything and everyone, even her closest friend Tetsuko. There's a landlord character named Lalo (get it?), who just happens to be, let's say, not very masculine (not that there's anything wrong with that), who Milk always schemes and belittles so she won't have to pay the rent. Milk also gleefully takes pleasure from others' misfortunes. For example, there's a TV show about what really poor people eat that Milk never wants to miss.

Super Milk Chan is one of those shows where the first time you see it, your mouth hangs open in disbelief. Disbelief shortly becomes disgust, but that doesn't matter, because as disturbed as you may be with the content of the show, something about it makes you want to see it again, and once you do <BLAMO!> you're hooked.

In the final analysis, it's just a stupid cartoon, but if you give it a chance, I'm sure you'll find yourself chuckling, despite yourself.

So, as Milk would say, come on and watch Super Milk Chan with some Sushi or something...You Dumbass!!
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