A cheese-tastic but charming classic
24 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
It is an annual tradition for me to watch this every Christmas. Granted, I was only a year old when it came out, but since I have it on tape, I can watch it again and again. Yes, it is a little cheesy and would probably best appeal to a 10-year-old, but it still tickles my fancy to see this.

***SPOILERS*** Although it is HE-MAN'S and SHE-RA'S Christmas special (and even combines the two shows and its respective characters), it basically surrounds Orko, He-Man's annoying creature sidekick, and as per usual, Orko somehow manages to screw things up, in this case, by hopping aboard a rocket ship that was built to keep an eye on Skeletor. After the ship is accidentally launched and crash lands on Earth, he meets two young siblings who've lost their way home, Miguel and Alicia, who in turn, give him a crash course in Christmas, something people on his planet knew nothing about. After returning back to kingdom Greyskull with them, Lord Prime tells Skeletor and Hordack (She-Ra's enemy) to kidnap the children and bring them back to him so one of them will be handsomely rewarded. The children get acquainted to the friends and family of the superheros, but are soon under attack again. Both villains try to rise to task (amid some bickering and sabotages), but Skeletor, in a real out-of-character role here, actually grows fond of the children while in possession of them and saves them both from his rival and his boss. The children gets home safely and the holiday (as well as the superhero twins' birthday days prior) is celebrated without incident.

While I probably can never rank this holiday special up there with the likes of the Charlie Brown Christmas or Frosty the Snowman (which can be enjoyed at practically any age), I certainly would never count this one out, and while it is a bit maudlin and perhaps even overdone, it is still a favorite of mine and will always remain dear to my heart and a bright spot and cherished memory of my childhood.
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