The Ewok Adventure (1984 TV Movie)
Great entertainment for all
31 December 2004
I bought the DVD, feeling that the nostalgia of watching this when I was 9 with my little sister was worth the 10 bucks. I even joked with a young couple at the check-out counter, (who remembered the movies), about how we all liked it as kids.

What I didn't expect was that the movie would hold up after all these years, and mind you, I haven't seen this since the mid or late 80s.

A lot of movies we liked as kids age badly due to the fact that we all grow up. But I found The Ewok Adventure, now called Caravan of Courage, to be just as exciting, fun and charming at 29 as I found the film when I first saw it 20 or so years ago when it debut. I think that's a compliment given to only the very best of films.

There is some, (not all), stop-motion animation special effects that have aged to be sure, but that is to be expected of a made-for-TV movie with a decidedly less expensive budget than the actual Star Wars films. Most of the time, I was impressed that the Star Wars magic extended beyond the big screen and onto a TV movie.

When Return of the Jedi came out, I was like a lot of other hardcore Star Wars fans: I didn't like the seemingly overused furry creatures. I wanted more Han Solo and Darth Vader and lightsaber battles. I've lightened up on the little guys, but I don't think hardcore Star Wars fans have anything to fear though. I found the Ewoks to be even more endearing, brave and charming in their own adventures, which play off as a kind of Goonies: Star Wars style.

Above all, I recommend this movie to anyone because it's one of those special films, (like the original Star Wars movies themselves), that entertain adults and kids. The film has great characters, has a very fast pace, has a good story and is nicely acted. In other words, it's a winner.

And for 10 bucks, I don't know that I ever spent 10 bucks as well as I did when I picked up this DVD---which also features the sequel that I can now see for the first time. Definitely worth watching and buying.

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