Review of Life-Size

The Wonderful World of Disney: Life-Size (2000)
Season 3, Episode 8
Enjoyable family movie
4 January 2005
Pleasantly surprised by Tyra's bubbly rendition of a doll's outlook and reaction to 'real life'. The situation of child angst and need for her mother can be handled seriously or lightly. Both help get the point across that in tough times, children need love and support. So what if it comes from a doll accidentally brought to life. The movie did not go too overboard on needing to correct the situation as other movies have. The doll's outlook on life based on infusion from commercial ditties and TV perfection helps to show the difference between TV and reality in a way kids can understand. Talk to you kids about this after the movie but enjoy Eve's bubbly attitude and style during the show.
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