They Live (1988)
Hugely Entertaining, Vastly Under-rated
4 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Plot:- 'SPOILERS' A young man out of work Nada (Roddy Piper) travels to the big city and manages to get a job at the local construction site, along the way he notices there are many hoards of Homeless people lining the streets and there seems to be some strange goings on at the local Church, after searching through the building after it's near destruction by the Local Police Force, he finds a big box of sunglasses, he pops one on and starts to see life in a very different way and the city in which he works seems to be inhabited by hideous aliens who disguise themselves as normal human beings

Where did they come from? What do they Want?

Nada tries to find out.

Direction:- I'm a Big Fan of John Carpenter From 'The assault on precinct 13 to Halloween to light-hearted though Box Office Turkey Big Trouble In Little China, and he dosen't disappoint with this.

Acting:- Now not being a great follower of Wrestling I didn't realise Roddy Piper was a Wrestler, he's actually quite a good actor and an Oscar-winner compared to Hulk Hogan- but sadly looking at his IMDb Profile hasn't appeared in anything memorable since.

Co-stars:- Keith David and has made a career playing bit parts in major productions & Meg Foster probably better known for playing Cagney in Cagney and Lacey for just one series before Sharon Gless took over.

The Bottom Line:- If you like Carpenter's Work and have been dismayed at his recent efforts- Don't miss! even if you just like sci-fi that's not too gory that's slightly tongue in cheek you'll enjoy this film very much -I did- and It's 90 minute running time will fly by

Final Verdict:- ***1/2 out of ***** or 8/10

(Just hope and pray that Carpenter does something as good as this in the future instead of rehashing his old classics- never a good sign)
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