Not even Peter Cushing can save this one
9 January 2005
Fear in the Night is a very seldom discussed Hammer film with Peter Cushing and Joan Collins. It's the story of a woman recently released from the hospital after suffering a nervous breakdown. She's just been married and is about to join her husband who teaches at an all-boys school. The night before she leaves, she is attacked in her apartment. When help arrives, there is no sign of an intruder. Did she imagine the attack or did it really happen? Soon after arriving at the school, she is attached again. No one believes her. Her husband leaves for an overnight trip to London. That night, she hears strange noises downstairs. She grabs her gun and carefully goes down the stairs. Suddenly, the lights come on and..

There's a reason this movie is so seldom discussed - much of the movie is a complete and utter bore. A good portion of the screenplay consists of various characters walking around the school. Just walking. Nothing really happens to them. They just walk. The movie is not, though, without its good points. The finale presents a nice twist that, although fairly predictable, is well done.

I can't really recommend this to anyone other than Peter Cushing or Hammer completest. For what it's worth, I give this one a 5/10.
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