Review of Arachnid

Arachnid (2001)
Foolish Stuff
15 January 2005
Shame on those who spent a fortune including valet parking to see this "movie"(?) - There must have been a lot of barfing in the cinema during this exercise in disgust. I am convinced PT Barnum was right: "A sucker born every minute" Anyway go rent a DVD of "Its Alive" or "Psycho" if you need thrills. I can never understand the fascination people have with splatter. The old movies had terrific mind games that made you imagine the horrors going on, for example Val Lewton's "Cat People" of 1942 one of the finest horror movies ever made. "King Kong" (1933) still gives me chills and "Bride of Frankenstein" is another one - no blood nor guts just good acting and terrific special effects. "Arachnid" is a juvenile and silly picture - enough said.
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