Review of Castaway

Castaway (1986)
Nicolas Roeg's twisted island love story
21 January 2005
This film by Nicolas Roeg builds on the unusual titles of his past career (Don't Look Now; Walkabout; Performance) and adapts Lucy Irvine's book of her real-life experiences as a Girl Friday on a desert island.

Amanda Donohoe reaches career-grabbing perfection as Irvine, the girl who answers an ad from lonely middle-aged businessman Gerald (a multi-faceted role for Oliver Reed) and goes to live with him in the tropical sun for a year. Roeg's film requires Donohoe to appear nude or semi-nude much of the time but it doesn't seem gratuitous. Not surprisingly it helped her gain other roles in the remainder of the decade as a ballsy, sexy siren.

As a two-hander for most of its running time, 'Castaway' depends on the performances of its two leads - they have to be convincing, they have to be compelling, and they have to have chemistry. It isn't a match made in heaven - but as Gerald and Lucy learn to live with each other despite the obvious problems, the viewer is drawn in with them.

Oliver Reed is excellent as Gerald, a complex character who goes from bluster and rage to sweetness and sensitivity. It was something of a comeback role as the first part of the 1980s hadn't given him roles of any great depth to work with (neither did many films after this one), and he does well within the confines of Lucy Irvine's reminiscences.

I particularly like the ending. Fact or fantasy? But it rounds off this atmospheric film beautifully.
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