Review of The Threat

The Threat (2004)
Nice ambition but too many glitches
21 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers

Recap: Lasse (Rooney) lives an happy easy life together with wife Inger (Bonnevie) and son Niklas (Zuber). He works at military base Vidsel as a technician. The base is currently conducting tests of new systems and security is tight. For instance has Maj. Haglund (Sauk) from military intelligence arrived. Lasse is kidnapped by Jacek (Cukic) and his entire family and relatives threatened if Lasse does not comply and place a transmitter in some systems that these agents want. This pressure wreaks havoc within his family and when Lasse finally complies, something goes wrong. Base security is alerted and especially Haglund smells foul play. But the tests must go on, and the agents pressure upon Lasse increases. At the same time Haglund is relieved from the case, and goes on a personal hunt.

Comments: I feel that there are ambitions in this movie. The general idea in the plot and story is fairly good. There are some small twists and turns. Special effects and use of fighters are extensive and good. Sauk is good as Haglund, but other characters seem to overact to much to leave an credible impression. Then there are numerous small, but sometimes annoying glitches in the plot were it seems better to do something else or the characters actions are inconsistent. Those small minor flaws do add up to a whole flawed impression. However, an entertaining movie and a big improvement compared to Swedish movies from a couple of years ago...

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