'Corrina, Corrina'
23 January 2005
A captivating drama / comedy that casts Ray Liotta as 'Manny Singer', a man who recently lost his wife and has his daughter Molly (Tina Majorino) to take care of, who was too sad and heartbroken to talk to anyone after her mother's death. As Manny tries to find a suitable 'nurse maid' for Molly so he can go back to work, Corrina Washington (in the form of Whoopi Goldberg) comes into the picture and eventually gets hired by Manny to take care of the little girl. The funny thing is, what the Singers weren't expecting was for Corrina to bring magic back into their lives. An endearing little treasure, 'Corrina, Corrina' is a motion picture filled with heart and laughter, that's sure to send your spirits soaring. Wendy Crewson is great in her supporting role as the not-so-nice and aggressive 'Jenny Davis'. Goldberg is absolutely terrific in the title role. A highly-recommended motion picture. Rating: Three 1/2 out of Five Stars (Very Good).
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