I, Robot (2004)
A Surprisingly Good Thrill Ride!
24 January 2005
While my taste runs to a more sophisticated type of film, there is no doubt that sometimes you just want to enjoy an old musical, adventure movie or spy thriller. This film surprised me because it's so doggone fun, yet brilliant in the quality of it's execution.

I admit that it took me a while to see this film because I did not care for the type of character that Will Smith has been known to portray... the half-smile "doesn't take anything seriously" wise-cracking type of buffoon. But since he has matured in body and attitude, he has developed into a different sort and I thought he was perfect for this role. Yes, his language is sprinkled with profanity and ghetto language, but it was just the gritty sort of "real life" manner this otherwise sterile vision needed. Without it, the film might have been antiseptic and unbelievable in scope.

After a few minutes of apprehension, I sat back and completely enjoyed this film. It's a romp, a lark, an adventure, and masterfully executed. If a person thinks this plot is predictable, and therefore unenjoyable, then I say "what about 'Singing in the Rain', '42nd Street', "Stagecoach' and a myriad of other films from our history that we consider to be classics?" In other words, not every film has to be "Citizen Kane" or "Gandhi" to be enjoyable, interesting and entertaining. Good heavens, even doctors, university professors and the heads of government can enjoy the rides at Disneyland! Give me a break.

Will Smith has made some terribly weak films in the past... "Independence Day", "Wild Wild West" and "Made in America"... the type of roles which had his goofy grin saying "look at me, I'm so funny"... and his name in the credits for me was a warning that said "stay away"... but a good friend urged me to see this film, and I am glad I did. In it, he is superb, tender, strong and likable. The special effects are amazing, innovative and convincing, the robot art direction by Oana Bogdan is magnificent, and last but not least, the performance by Bridget Moynahan is marvelous and authentic.

By the way, if you loved Issac Asimov's book, you might not be totally pleased, since most science fiction films taken from books, including this one, vary from the original. But not to worry, this film rocks. I highly recommend it as an engaging and thrilling ride.
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