Technicolour comfort food for the eyes!
3 February 2005
You know that there are things in your life that you just derive a great deal of comfort from. It may be an old worn jersey, a hot cup of tomato soup on a cold day or the simple smile of your children. All these things are true for me and I will add The Adventures of Robin Hood to that list.

I first saw the film when I was a small boy and I have deliberately avoided buying the DVD on the basis that over-familiarity could breed contempt. I much prefer the serendipity of finding it scheduled on a wet winter Sunday afternoon. Then I can relax in front of the fire and just revel in Errol's hammy balletic performance as Hood, or the simply too-beautiful-for-words Olivia in soft focus or the delightfully dastardly duo Rathbone and Raines...superb!

Just do yourself a favour occasionally and let this Technicolour wonder wash over you - forget that it bears no relationship to actual history; just accept this Hollywood version of how England once was (and should still be).

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