Review of Creezy

Creezy (1974)
two films in one
4 February 2005
Alain Delon plays the leader of a small leftist political party in France who has been offered a cabinet position in a coalition government. The party is split on the issue and much debate occurs. Meanwhile, Delon's character has become romantically involved with a beautiful model - Creezy (Sydne Rome), despite the fact he is married to a wealthy woman and has a teenage son. He is ambitious to advance in government, yet he loves his romps with Creezy. Much talk ensues. Plus, his mentor is a rich widow (Jeanne Moreau),well never mind. So, two movies. Political story and love story. Or, maybe three, as Rome spends a lot of time topless.(Several times I thought - Bill Clinton should have been so lucky.) Amusing.
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