Dreadfully cheap looking, but not on purpose
6 February 2005
Perhaps this film cost a small fortune, but the print I saw was not in color and certainly not in 3D. Consequently it was altogether shabby looking. Several of the scenes were clearly meant to be viewed in 3D and hence the footage appears blurry in black-and-white.

The movie's content amounts to an hour-long travelogue for Louisiana, with lots of historical information to make a more 'scholarly' product. I'm not about to run down the fine state of Louisiana or the city of New Orleans, but as drama it's a non-starter. Much of the film is stock footage with narration; other sequences include recreations of state historical figures. As such, it would be better included with educational films for grade-school students rather than as any sort of a dramatic fare.

The only reason I can suppose it was broadcast on my local station was that the scenes of mid-20th Century Mardi Gras parades was appropriate for the first week of February. Unless you can get it in color AND three-dimensions and intend for it to be shown in an elementary school classroom, then read a fine book about the history of the state of Louisiana and rent a copy of "Girls Gone Wild" to see Mardi Gras.
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