Fine. But please let this journey stop now.
10 February 2005
The 'Blade' series haven't quite made it to the heights of 'Spiderman' or the 'X-men', but at least Trinity has some fun to offer, au contraire to the abysmal 'Blade II', which followed the enjoyable if nothing special original 'Blade'.

Snipes as 'Blade' is being set up by the vampires and their friends, so now he's chased by the police as well. Good thing he gets some assistance from Abigail Whistler (Jessica Biel) and Hannibal King (really, who makes up these names?) (Ryan Reynolds) who offer a contribution in the babe-and-fun factor.

There's still a lot lacking of Blade: Trinity, as the end fight is rather boring and overlong, and it has a really bad 'bad guy' to fight, but the extra's make it an OK ride.

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