Beautifully done
11 February 2005
Caught this last night on cable and was pleasantly surprised by its depth. From the dedication at the end, it's apparent that the filmmaker, Myra Paci, is paying a tribute to her own father, making the film extremely personal, giving it still more resonance.

Susan May Pratt is perfect in the lead role of Gilda - she manages to convey a thrilling (and challenging) range of emotions throughout the film without ever losing the center of her character. Chris Noth (Sex and the City's infamous Mr. Big) is not very convincing in his role of an actor. . .JUST KIDDING - he's perfect too, beautiful choice for the part, and in the 'real life' scenes in the car and in the hotel room with Gilda, he manages to show conflicting emotions very brilliantly as well.

Paci manages to get heartfelt, subtle performances from all her actors; the father and mother in particular are beautifully written and brought to life by Placido and Robins. Most importantly, Paci's adroit direction moves seamlessly between reality and fantasy sequences, allowing us a glimpse into Gilda's troubled psyche by SHOWING it, rather than talking about it.

Paci has done another wonderful film - Girls' Night Out, and there's another film listed here at IMDb that I will most definitely be seeing as well. And of course, any future movies from this most gifted filmmaker will be on my short list.
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