there are very few movies that can make my b/f cry- we were both bawling
12 February 2005
My boyfriend brought home this DVD 2 days ago... I really didn't think it was possible to make a good movie out of "The Five People You Meet in Heaven", but I was proved wrong. It was actually very good, I liked the no-name actors that they picked, and Marguerite was gorgeous. This movie was so emotional and full of beauty that both my boyfriend and me were getting out the tissues to soak up our tears. The only things I can complain about are some of the "special effects" they use in the backgrounds (especially at the end of Eddie's meeting with his 2nd person- you know what I'm talking about). Also, "the blue man" had quite the accent (more funny then bad in my opinion).

Overall, "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" was great for being a hallmark movie. Heck, it was good anyway. It was nice to have a change in movies to something more heartfelt.
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