The Green Man (1956)
Sim's genius performance
24 February 2005
As always Alistair Sim brings his genius for comedy to a great British farce from the fifties. He seems to give an effortless performance as ever, making today's so called "comic" actors a lesson on how to do it. Even Peter Sellers, good as he was, could not approach this guy. Unjustly underrated by the British Establishment (all too keen to shower knighthoods etc. on lesser talents)Sim can elicit mirth from the slightest gesture or subtle change of expression. And that voice!! Incredibly mellifluous and characterful, he delivers lines like no-one else can ,apart from , perhaps, Kelsey Grammar in "Frasier". Try to see all his movies and you will not regret it - when the movies are not so great he always is. Just because the films are old does not render them uninteresting or unwatchable. A pity younger movie buffs do not study actors like Sim any more.
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