Loving Evangeline (1999 TV Movie)
Not worth your time, even for Linda Howard fans
28 February 2005
I love all of Linda Howard's books, and was thrilled to accidentally run across this film on WE. I couldn't have been more disappointed. Not only was the plot completely different from Ms. Howard's storyline, the acting was mediocre at best. I was dismayed at the complete lack of chemistry between the two lead actors. I am a big fan of escapist romance, and I can forgive a lot of schmaltz and cheesiness in a low budget film if there is a credible connection between the characters and the plot is even halfway believable. But this movie embarrasses a genre that to begin with does not have much to recommend it in terms of higher artistic value. Don't waste your time watching this movie - especially if you are expecting it to resemble the book in any way whatsoever. But do check out some of Linda Howard's novels. She writes quality romantic escapism without forsaking skillful character development and interesting, suspenseful plots. She is a talented writer. My sympathies to Ms. Howard for having her name attached to such an embarrassingly sub-par movie.
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