Beach Girls and the....Wait!
2 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Starting in the late 1950's theaters and especially drive-ins used to do pretty good business with low budget films that dealt with not only teen problems but (more importantly?) surfing. If small studios could dig up a monster suit and find pretty young wannabe actresses and put them in bikini's than a film could easily be shot! Story here is about the shenanigans on the beach below a beach house that is owned by Dr. Otto Lindsay (Jon Hall) who wants his son to continue working with him in oceanography. Richard Lindsay (Arnold Lessing) and his girlfriend Jane (Elaine DuPont) are surfing and dancing on the beach when a monster emerges from a cave and kills a girl.

*****SPOILER ALERT***** The cops are called in but no one actually saw a monster and all they have to investigate are the weird footprints in the sand. Dr. Lindsay is married to a younger woman named Vicky (Sue Casey) who drinks and cheats and tells him that there is nothing left between them but she later becomes another victim of the monster. Living with the Lindsay's is Mark (Walker Edmiston) who has a bad limp and one night while on the beach he witnesses the monster killing someone but he gets blamed after he's found next to the body. The identity of the monster is finally figured out by Richard and Jane who discover that it's actually Dr. Lindsay and while Richard is shocked that his father is a murderer he helps the police chase him down.

This is directed by Jon Hall himself who was a pretty good actor years earlier but by this time he had limited options as far as his career is concerned. Extremely silly and low budget film has so few scenes that have the monster in it that Hall has to have shots of beach hi-jinx and a time-out for surfing footage just to expand the films length to 70 minutes. I did come away with a few questions like why didn't the cops check out the cave after the girl Bunny was killed? Wouldn't that be the first place to investigate? Even though the cops refer to Richard and Mark as "kids" you have to ask how old they actually are. Both Lessing and Edmiston appear to be at least in their mid-30's! It was also humorous to watch actress Casey sashay around like a dime store floozy thinking she was hot stuff and with a lecherous sneer she rejects Mark's advances because he's a cripple. While all the girls on the beach do nothing but go-go dance in bikini's I did find actress DuPont very attractive and she bears a resemblance to both Katie Couric and Dawn Wells. The soundtrack has some of the main actors actually singing during certain scenes while the background score is credited to Frank Sinatra Jr. Ridiculous little film was really doing nothing but trying to cash in on the "aggravated adults against the free wheeling kids" genre and you have to laugh when Hall describes the kids as "contributing nothing to society" and calling the girls beach tramps which gives the viewer a good clue to his identity. It's easy to make fun of this film (really, it is!) but you can't help but think the whole thing comes across as innocuous instead of laughable. Fans of cult flicks and low budget efforts should check it out but others will undoubtedly have a difficult time staying awake.
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