Fair Commentary on Racial Injustice
4 March 2005
This storyline is interesting in its subject matter, but I did find that the movie moves along quite slowly and seems a bit flat in places.

Because it deals with the flavour of the south during a tumultuous time in history, I found the way the subject matter was handled to be a bit weak. Also, parts of the storyline were a bit hard to buy onto from a "realistic" perspective, especially as relates to the main character and her relationship with her family, given her situation.

All of the performances by the actors were excellent, so if there is a negative comment about the general mood of the movie, I would have to blame the director...more oomph was certainly needed in some of the scenes.

I purchased this movie because I am a fan of Laurel Holloman and aim to see all of her work eventually. As usual, her performance was nothing short of brilliant.

Overall, I would rate the movie as fair...not a bad way to spend an evening, but don't pass up the party to stay home and watch this one.
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