Review of Elizabeth

Elizabeth (2000)
"Mistaken Identity?"
28 March 2005
Methinks the previous Commenter has mistaken this documentary on the life of Elizabeth Tudor with the Cate Blanchett theatrical release "Elizabeth". While the Blackett movie played fast-and-loose with many, many historical facts, it was pretty to look at and, as a big fan of Tudor English history, at least it gave some exposure to the period. This version is not a drama (well, of course Elizabeth's life WAS a drama, wasn't it?), but rather a biographical presentation. It is done with actors (unlike "In Search of Shakespeare", using entirely modern settings), most of whom, in generally non-speaking roles, convey the atmosphere of the period. It is quite well done and, though much of the period is greatly open to interpretation, historically accurate. As it should be, being not a drama but a documentary. If your taste is for scripted drama about Elizabeth Tudor, I would still highly recommend the 6-part BBC series, Elizabeth R (with Glenda Jackson). A very good telling of the history, but fleshed out with dialog.
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