Citizen Kane (1941)
No longer "the best film of all time"
31 March 2005
I have shown "Citizen Kane" several times to my film classes, and the result is universally the same: So what?

And they're right. While the film may have broken ground in its day, like Kane himself it's aging not-so-gracefully in the 21st century.

The acting is stilted — especially Joseph Cotton's. The scenes sometimes go on way too long. The music is ponderous.

As film history it's still a gem. But as measured by current cinema standards it's getting a bit senile. I look forward to the day it slowly slides from "10 best" lists so that I no longer feel compelled to show it to introductory film students.

UPDATE (12/26/07)

That day has come — that is, I know longer show "Citizen Kane" to introductory film students, though sometimes I allow them extra credit for viewing it on their own. The film I show instead from the same era is "Casablanca", which receives much better reviews from this generation of audiences, especially young women.
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