Review of Guess Who

Guess Who (2005)
Tony the Tiger says, "It'sssss...not that great"
5 April 2005
It wasn't horrible, don't get me wrong. However, if you are going out to see a good romantic-comedy type movie I would suggest something else. Hitch for example. 'Hitch' is everything this movie is not. It is funny, fast paced, with great chemistry between actors, and a good leading male in Will Smith. 'Guess Who' however was incredibly predictable and slow moving at times. While there were a lot of "funny" parts in the movie, there was nothing in it that I laughed out loud at. The jokes were forced out for the most part, and the actors looked like they were going through the motions. There didn't seem to be much chemistry between the the leading male and female in this. At no point did I feel I was looking at real characters. I just felt I was seeing Bernie Mac playing the role of the father, and Ashton playing the 'boyfriend'. Ashton was silly while trying to be funny, which is his style and personality. But he was unconvincing and awkward while trying to be serious. Ashton is just in over his head with this kind of acting. He was in his element with the show 'Punked', and 'Dude Where's my Car?'.

In short, this is one I would suggest waiting to see on video. If you were thinking of a good evening out, I would suggest Hitch or go with a totally different genre of movie.
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