Table One (2000)
One of the worst "cool guy" relationship movies ever
18 April 2005
This was a pain to sit through, and you'll find it quite trying for every mind numbingly uncool moment in this movie of supposedly "cool" guys. The acting all around is embarrassing (even great character actor Guzman is uncharacteristically inept here) and the production values are distractingly cheap. Perhapd most irritating here is the usually funny David Herman (Office Space) who portrays one of the most obnoxious lead characters of any genre in a long time. Stephen Baldwin breezes in and out coasting on the fumes of his once great charisma to collect his paycheck and look smug. This is recommended only as an endurance test for masochistic viewers hell bent on finishing any movie they start (and I guess in this case I am one of the troubled few). This type of film has been done better ("MADE" by Jon Favreau, less similar but just similar enough "SWINGERS" and "FREE ENTERPRISE") so why not watch one of those instead?
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