Review of Emeril

Emeril (2000–2001)
not a bad show
22 April 2005
i really was a pretty good show but it was against his Emeril Live show so it really had no audience. Those who would have watched were tuned into Emeril Live on Food Network. I really think it was a good show just wrongfully setup by the time slot. maybe if it was a different time, it would have been a hit. Though time slot has a lot to do with how well a show does. the show "Friends" was a terrible show and it was successful due to the time slot. It was as unfunny as a show could get. The jokes were so sophomoric and lacked any depth needed to make a show good. Though other shows, such as the simpsons, were great due to time slot and genius writers. That show has been going for many years and still keeps that plots fresh. Yes, they do have a basic formula of the sequences in their writing, but it still works with many different events that happen throughout the show. So, you may have good writing but a bad time slot and fail, or a good time slot and crappy writing and succeed. but failure doesn't yield a bad show.
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