Home to Stay (1978 TV Movie)
Nice movie about farm people.
30 April 2005
I read the book "Grandpa and Frank" by Janet Majerus before I saw the CBS television movie "Home to Stay." The TV movie has a rather happy ending, while the book ended "Here we go again!" The book was set in western Illinois not long after World War II. It depicts everyday life in the 1940s with drugstore soda fountains and boarding houses. The truck in the book was a Model A Ford. Obviously it wouldn't pay to set the movie version in the 1940s, so the film makers set it in the 1970s and titled the movie "Home to Stay." The truck in the movie is a 1948-1950 Ford, which was possibly a more common farm pickup than the Model A Ford pickup, as farmers used cars more than pickups until after World War II. I guess "Grandpa and Frank" was about the only book written by Janet Majerus.
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