A porno classic and nearly a masterpiece
3 May 2005
The Mitchell Brothers' "Resurrection of Eve" was the brothers' film after their classic "Behind the Green Door" and although not as famous, "The Resurrection of Eve" is nearly as good in atmosphere and better in story and character. The story follows Eve (played by Nancy Welch as a young girl, Mimi Morgan as pre-accident Eve, and Marilyn Chambers as post-accident Eve) and her relationship with slick DJ Frank Paradise (played by Shakespearean actor Matthew Arnon). They break up over his jealousy for Eve's black friend Johnny (Johnny Keyes), which leads to Eve's car accident. After visiting the "resurrected" Eve in the hospital, her and Frank get married. Frank becomes interested in group sex and recruits Eve, who is repulsed at first, but that's about to change. The Mitchell Brothers' are by far the best pornographers in the history of adult cinema, making films that not only have a fine detail for the sex, but for story and character, as well. Frank Paradise is by far the most complex male character I've ever seen in adult film, and one of the best things about the film is how real his and Eve's relationship is. The film also serves as a historical piece, showing the hippie days of 70's San Francisco. One of the most interesting, but unnecessary scenes in the film is a concert that Eve and Frank go to at a revue called the Nickelodeon. The performers include a strange bearded man who plays a riveting version of the "Lone Ranger" theme song on a banjo, a group of lethargic looking dancers who do some Broadway-type dancing, a black group who does an "everybody shake your booty" song, and a satirical musician named Ralph Eno, who yells out a senseless song and then puts on a Colonel Sanders mask attached to his guitar. The scene neither moves the story forward or has any real point, but is fascinating to watch for its randomness and quirks. Marilyn Chambers gets to show her amazing acting skills in this film (which kind of went unnoticed in Green Door, do to her lack of speech)and also her physical aspects, which are quite astonishing. To my knowledge, this is the only adult film in which Matthew Arnon appeared, and he is one of the better performers I have seen. Keyes, Morgan, and Welch also give outstanding support. A must-see film for any fan of adult film or even film in general, for the film really has a story and has less of an emphasis on sex than most adult films. The only thing that keeps this film from maintaining masterpiece status is the inclusion of some truly pointless scenes and some overly bizarre orgy segments, but overall a very sexy and intriguing adult classic.
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