The Best $4 or $5 You Will Ever Spend At Wal-Mart!!!!!!!
6 June 2005
SUPERGUY: BEHIND THE CAPE (4 outta 5 stars) Wow... seeing this obviously cheaply-made DVD on sale at Wal-Mart for $4.00 I expected it might be an amusing little joke... I was certainly NOT prepared for it to be so intelligently-written and creatively handled! Basically the movie is a "documentary" whose premise is "what if there was an actual superhero who had to live and work in the real world?" Every possible angle of this scenario is explored in amusing AND thought-provoking fashion. At times the movie does go a little overboard in trying to link "Superguy" to every facet of contemporary culture (i.e. the "Eminem" character) but you don't really want to penalize movie makers for being TOO imaginative, do you? The movie's description and low budget might lead you to expect nothing more than a zany comedy... but, in between the funny bits, the movie dares to present actual commentary on the concept of heroism and the on-going war between celebrities and the media. The "documentary" angle works very well for a low budget feature... some of the special effects that are employed throughout are actually very impressive! (A scene where people are deliberately leaping off buildings in the hopes that they will meet Superguy looks chillingly real.) A pity that the flying effects look so bad most of the time because everything else seems completely convincing (well, that costume needs some work, too). A terrific movie which deserves to become more well-known!
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