My Little Margie (1952–1955)
My Little Margie is always funny and interesting.
7 June 2005
Everything in this show is funny! Besides Margie, my two favorite characters are Mr. Honeywell, because he is the J. C. Dithers-type boss who always plays up to the clients now matter how big an idiot he or she might be, treats Vern like a dog, and constantly threatens to fire him. He is the stereotype of the mean-spirited boss. My second-favorite character after Mr. Honeywell is Freddie, because even though he is not technically an in-law, Vern treats him as the father would always treat a son-in-law that he despised. (Of course, the fact that Freddie is really as lazy and as sorry (hapless might be a more apt word) as Vern says he is does not detract from the humor at all.)
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