Nick Fury: Agent of Shield (1998 TV Movie)
Utter Garbage
5 June 2005
This is based on a comic strip ? I guess that's why there's a total sense of unreality pervading throughout the whole movie which will be a massive turn off for a mainstream audience and it appears that even comic book fans ( I won't flatter them by calling them " graphic novel " fans ) don't think much of NICK FURY AGENT OF SHIELD and who can blame them

What this adaptation does is fail to treat the audience with any type of respect as if the producers are saying " Don't worry about plot holes or anything like that , it's based on a comic strip so only schmucks will be watching it " hence we're treated with a totally non functional opening and unless you've read the comic strip in question you'll be at something of a loss as to why he's a big honcho who this secret organization want back

Did I say it's a secret organization ? I guess that's why its agents wear boiler suits while the top agents strut around in leather cat suits . Yup nothing like wearing a leather catsuit in you want to blend in . Anyway if you think the good guys are being illogical wait till you see the baddies who are anarchist multi-ethnic neo Nazis ! Isn't that a contradiction in terms since

1 ) Nazis were stateists Ie They believed that the government should run industry and the financial markets . The word " Nazi " comes from the amalgamation of the words " National " and " Socialist " Anarchists are egalitarian who despise the concept of stateism

2 ) Nazis despise the concept of multiculturalism but racially diverse people like Slavs and Asians seem to be in this organization . Do I have to point out that the foundation of Nazism revolves around ethnic Ayraen purity ?

3 ) Anarchists also despise the concept of hierarchy so what the head villain is doing spouting stuff like " People need a strong leader " is beyond me . Not it's not beyond me since it became obvious as soon as the movie started that the producers were going to treat the audience with total contempt

And the contempt continues throughout the movie as Fury and co escape from one tight spot after another in a ridiculous " One leap and they were free because the writers seem to be making things up as they're going along " manner

As you would expect the production values are almost every bit as bad as you might imagine . I say " almost " because you have to bare in mind that this is effectively a TVM and the budget is tight but that's no excuse for the terrible acting with the Nazi female villain played by an atrocious actress who's only saving grace is that she's very attractive , in fact most of the female cast is attractive which probably explains why David Hasslehoff seemed to spent more time in rehearsal staring at his pretty co-stars instead of learning to say his lines in a convincing manner . But that's no excuse for turning in a bad performance and NICK FURY AGENT OF SHIELD is a very sorry excuse of a movie
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