Not bad at all!
10 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It wasn't the best movie ever, but it was not bad. For non-polish people it could be a little weird.

Film by Jerzy Hoffman based on the book "Stara Basn" written by Jozef Ignacy Kraszewski. The story of 'When the Sun was God An Ancient Tale' is happening one hundred years before the christening of Poland in the world of magic and pagan witchcraft, where the gods take active parts in the lives of ordinary men.In this powerful tale, the fates of the characters interlace in an everlasting fight between the good and the evil and in the human passions of love, hatred and the greed for power. In the land of Polan people, the power belongs to the cruel prince Popiel, who according to a legend was finally eaten by mice... He is set to ensure the succession of his son and will do it by all means including plotting, scheming and murdering.

Casting was good. You can see all of the popular polish actors. And maybe I liked it because didn't read the book (required in all polish schools).
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