Double Trouble (I) (1992)
Behold the power of this movie
20 June 2005
I just acquired this movie on VHS after seeing bits and pieces of it on late night cable. This has to be one of the greatest movies ever. It combines all of the elements of awesomeness. The camaro, the outrageous mullets (there has to be some kind of irony there, they can't be under the impression that they're anything but a joke with haircuts like that), the cheesy music, the completely unrealistic guns, the hot early-90's chicks, a plot that's more broken than a Chinese motorcycle, the stereotypical "rich white guy" villain, angry black police lieutenant, washed up actors from Star Trek. If I could make two changes to this movie to make it perfect, I would remove the blatantly homoerotic weightlifting (those noises!!), and add some breasts. The acting is painfully cheesy, but that adds to the overall fun of the movie. The scene where the brothers fight is probably one of the greatest fight sequences of all time. I was doubled over with laughter and barely able to breathe due to the hilarity. WARNING: Everyone in this movie is a frustratingly bad shot. They may as well not even use guns, because no one ever hits anything unless it's at point-blank range. '
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