I've Been Waiting for You (1998 TV Movie)
Wait this one out
17 June 2005
**SPOILERS** Uneven movie about witchcraft in a small town in Mass. that transcends three centuries. Moving into the small town of Pinecrest Sarah Zoltanne, Sarah Citalik,and her mom Mrs. Resemary Zoltanne, Markie Post, realize that the house that they bought was once the home of a women Sarah Lancaster who was burned at the stake as a witch back in 1660.

Sarah is a very weird type of person dabbling in the occult and being able to make thing happen that have no scientific explanation like being able to know a person by reading his or her palm as well as having doors open and shut by themselves. At her new high-school it turns out that a number of students there are decedents of the people who immolated Sarah Lancaster back in the 17th Century. The students now feel that Sarah, Zoltanne, is the Sarah that was killed by their distant ancestors. Their also certain that she's now come back to exact vengeance on them for what they,or their the ancestors, did to her back then.

The movie "I've been waiting for you" borrows a lot from the 1996 Wes Craven horror flick "Scream". With the killer running around hooded with what looks like a witch mask, unlike the skeleton mask in "Scream", and has a Freddy Kruger like claw hand as his, or her, weapon of choice.

The killer targeting the offspring's of Sarah Lancasters accusers and executioners has Sarah, the present one, check up on the ancestry of those in the town of Piecrest and comes up with a clue to who the killer really is. kidnapped by the frightened high school descendants of Sarahs 17th century killers Sarah is taken outside town to be executed, by fire in order to stop the attacks on them. Only to have the real killer show up and thus exonerate her.

The movie has so many loose ends that it at some point seems to be unintelligible to follow. The mysterious black cat Hecuba at first seems to have some connection to what's going on in the film but disappears, after about fifteen minutes into the movie, into thin air as if he were a phantom never to be seen again. The scene with Sarah's mom Rosemary towards the end of the film is also very confusing. With the masked killer stalking her in her house and then attacking her. Which was a bit out of character for the killer since Mrs. Zoltanne wasn't a descendant of young Sarah Lancaster's 17th century executioners, like those who the killer targeted throughout the movie.

The ending sequence in "I've been waiting for you" is totally out of place, and makes no sense at all, to what we saw in the film up to then. Were given the impression that Sarah and one of the students were in some way working together in taking out the great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grand children of those who killed Sarah Lancaster back in pre-Revolutionary America. And as the movie ends were chillingly told by them that their grizzly work has only begun.
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