Pure And Utter Garbage
20 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly let me just say WORST ENDING EVER ! Click is a cheesy almost 80's ish movie that is the pure embodiment of trash. Not only is it filled with Nearly naked or actually naked chicks with no natural body type at all. This movie only serves to prove that Small budget movies with likewise minded people, the only thing that gives it merit is...well....Nothing.

Skantily clad women dancing around with assorted weapons however entertaining for a mere five seconds was a completely and utterly a waste of not only my time but also the time of the people within the movie. the killer was absolutely Predictable and the death scenes (which don't present them selves until the last 30mins of the movie) were completely corny and had very little no Substance Originality, and the poor acting. Not to mention the cropped story line which was sketchy at best and made no real sense at all.

Death Of Mother + Abuse By Nurse = Retaliation On Models please explain? It didn't have a hint of a moral, not to mention the freaky Norman Bates (phsyco) complex what with the cross dressing and such.

I don't normally write reviews but this movie was soooo terrible I couldn't help but try to warn any and all other who may even consider renting, Buying or even just watching this movie.
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