Burnt Money (2000)
Intriguing premise but flawed execution
22 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is an Argentinean version of "Bonnie & Clyde", and more appropriately, "Dog Day Afternoon" with excellent acting from all and sexy tango music. Unfortunately, those qualities are not enough to raise the overall quality of the film from a middling level. For me, there are two major problems. One is the meandering aimlessness of the plot. Given that this is based closely on real life events, so we are told, there really isn't much that can be done if the filmmaker chose not to dramatize the facts by taking some artistic licenses. The other is the relationship between the "twins". Many reviewers mentioned the "passionate love" between them and I just don't think the movie has shown us the reasons. All I see are two psychotic murderers with no conscience in an unhealthy codependent relationship. As much as I want to like those two antiheroes, they are just too unsavory and unsympathetic for my taste.

The movie starts w/ them not being able to be intimate because of Angel's problem and by the end we still don't know what snapped in Angel except that he is loco, literally. No doubt, the only reason why they are so devoted to each other is because they are both certifiable and so they understand each other. Well, that just doesn't make me feel any more resonance for the characters. So, we are just told they love each other so much they will die for the other and to accept that without showing any reason why that is so just does not cut it. Toward the end, I was praying the police would just come quickly and kill them all to get it over with. That's not good for a movie. Many of the choices they make as criminals are reckless and plainly stupid. They might have got away with the loot had they use their brain just a little. Of course, it is a true story and that was how it happened so that is not the movie's problem. The fact that it doesn't delve into the psychological underpinning of the twin's love for each other is.
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