Doctor Who: The Five Doctors (1983)
Season 20, Episode 23
More of a catalogue than a programme.
10 July 2005
Someone at the BBC came up with the idea that they should make a programme featuring all five incarnations of the Doctor. A meeting was held, and it was decided that the programme should be made. There were a few problems. Tom Baker didn't want to know, and William Hartnell had gone to that great television studio in the sky. But with a little old footage and substituting Richard Hurndall for Hartnell, the problems were ironed out. And since Anthony Ainley was already doing for Roger Delgado what Richard Hurndall was doing for William Hartnell, there was no problem with The Master.

Some old companions turn up too. These include Fraser Hines and Wendy Padbury; and a mature trench-coated Carole Ann Ford gets to shriek: "Grandfather! Grandfather!" like only she can.

Of course all your favourite monsters turn up just to muddy up the reunion a bit, and the story is passable, considering the task set for the scriptwriters.

The programme was made as a celebration of nostalgia. It does its job quite well. but as an exciting film, I am afraid it falls flat.

Still it was nice to see some old faces, and I thought that Richard Hurndall was a good sub for Hartnell.
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