Stallone And Stowe Star In Quinn's Last Film
12 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Anthony Quinn had his last role as an aging mob figure trying to make amends with the daughter that never knew him in this direct to video release. The film stars Sylvester Stallone as Quinn's right hand man, who must deliver a message to Quinn's daughter and protect her before it's too late. Quinn's daughter is played by the sexy Madeleine Stowe. Along the way, there's comedy and romance between Stallone and Stowe and comedy between them and the killers trying to get them. Stallone continues a mediocre trend of appearances since his good performance in Cop Land with the exception of Get Carter. Stowe has been seen infrequently in recent years and may be falling victim to Hollywood's failure to produce good parts for women over 40. Quinn adds good support in his brief appearance as a crime figure. The two main problems with the film are that the chemistry between Stallone and Stowe is shaky at times, and the plot is fairly predictable and routine in its execution. Stallone and Stowe do make it watchable though. ** of 4 stars.
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