Absolutely Laughable...But Certainly Unique
12 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Hollywood sci-fi story lines from the 1950s generally featured invaders from outer space ("The Thing", "Earth vs. the Flying Saucers", "War of the Worlds") or man-made experiments that had gotten a little out of control ("Monster on the Campus", "The Colossus of New York", "The Magnetic Monster"). This movie broke away from the pack and featured a monstrous walking tree-monster that had sprouted from the grave of a murdered South Seas island chief. At least THAT part was creative.

The movie opens with the execution of Kimo, the chief who had been a little too friendly with the American scientists who had established a base on the island (in a small shack in the jungle). The tree-monster rises from Kimo's grave and wreaks merciless havoc on--surprise--Kimo's enemies before the hero (Tod Andrews) shoots the monster, which falls into a sawdust-covered pond--oops, I mean quicksand--whereupon it sinks out of sight.

Mixed in with the story is a subplot with the sex-starved (and older) Mrs. Kilgore, a love story (Andrews and Tina Carver), lots of expository (and very dumb) dialogue, the most ridiculous fight between women ever captured on film, and a tense "chase" scene with the monster, who walks about one-half a mile per hour.

You really have to watch this movie to appreciate it. The plot is certainly original, although the action on screen is ridiculous and laughable. You've been warned.
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