Good movie.
15 July 2005
This movie is good,not great,not fantastic just good. It's quite pointless but the the fact that there is humorous bits and good acting makes up for that. The films about 3 sisters and there Mother and about there life.There all different and all have there own problems. The main sister Michelle played by Catherine Keener is trying to sell her art, but has no luck and takes a job in a photography, where she ends up having a fling with her young boss, Jorden played by Jake Gyllenhaal. The other sister Elizabeth, played by Emily Mortimer is making it into the movie business, already appearing in a film,but has her confidence set back when she doesn't feel as if she's sexy. The youngest sister Annie(Raven Goodwin)was adopted and is dark skinned, so she finds it hard sometimes being bought up in a family with a different race. The mother Jane(Brenda Blethyn)is quite lonely despite having 3 daughters and tries to flirt with her doctor while having surgery that has some bad Side effects. To be honest I only saw this film because of Jake Gyllenhaal and I wasn't disappointed, he wasn't in it for long though,which I wasn't to pleased about, but when he was he looked very good looking and acted really well, along with all the other actors and I think thats what also saves the film. I thought at the end it left too many Untied knots and there were a few things that I didn't really like about it, but aside from that it was an OK film, but like I said before a bit unnecessary, but I quite enjoyed it and if your a fan of any of the actors in this, then I would recommend this chick flick!
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