A comedy lacking wit and laden with clichés
4 August 2005
A heavenly cast, yes, but even the charismatic actors can't overcome the flaws in this sodden tale of dating after divorce. What there is of plot is tired: girl and boy meet, girl and boy get off to a rocky start, girl and boy click, girl and boy get waylaid by various misunderstandings ... it's so ho-hum. The dialogue is wooden and even darlin' John Cusack doesn't come across as cute. There's just no spark between him and Diane Lane, no love scene worth watching. A protracted sequence in which the two go hunting for a condom in the middle of the night is just irritating to watch.

Frankly I was shocked to read so many raves here on the board -- till I realized most were from first-time posters who were treated to a sneak preview. How did so many of them find their way here, I wonder? As for me, I don't even recommend renting the eventual DVD. "Must Love Dogs" is just a big commercial for a particular online dating service.
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