The Man in Black Is Back in Town
5 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
"Scream Blacula Scream" is actually better than the original. Of course, that may have a lot to do with Pam Grier.

Grier plays Lisa, who had just been given the title of head of a voodoo cult. However, Willis (Richard Lawson), the son of the recently deceased voodoo queen, is not pleased at all with the group's choice. And of course, when you're mad, you have a burning desire to get even.

Ragman (Bernie Hamilton), who is also mad about how he was treated, gives Willis a helping hand by giving him bones that will help him in his revenge quest. That night, Willis does a voodoo chant with the bones (And during which Lisa sees something rise through fire in a vision) and up comes Blacula (William Marshall), who is none too pleased with being brought back to life (or death, or whatever). And he shows his displeasure by giving Willis an undead hickey.

Willis, who is now in undead chic, wants to attend a party. However, Blacula goes instead. There he meets Lisa, who feels that they had met before (In a way she has, seeing him rise from the flames during his resurrection). Soon, mysterious deaths occur and Sheriff Dunlop (Michael Conrad) believes that Lisa's cult may have something to do with it. Lisa's boyfriend Justin (Don Mitchell) believes otherwise.

Lisa later discovers Blacula's secret and he wants her to help him: her voodoo know-how can drive out the evil spirit that's within him.

Marshall and Grier work pretty well together, and I think that is why this film is slightly better than the first one. Too bad this was pretty much the end of the Blacula films. By the late 1970's, the era was pretty much dead, and films made during this period are regarded as stereotypical or racist.

However, despite some faults, this is still a pretty good film to have in your collection.
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