Bromwell High (2005– )
Bromwell ROCKS
16 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Bromwell High is some of the smartest, funniest programming on TV today. The hi jinks of Natella, Keisha and Latrina are, to quote Keisha, "Wicked!" I love how the writers have formed small conventions for each of the characters. Iqbal will always announce something in assembly or staff meetings as "Item 54". Latrina will deride someone's opinion by saying that "(blank) is for Gays!" And, of course, Natella is the picture of aloof propriety until pushed to the boiling point, when she will unleash a furious barrage of profanity! The characters of the teachers are beautifully dysfunctional too. Carol Jackson is a mothering procrastinator, Martin is always sharing his "inside voice" thoughts aloud, Mr. Philips is totally vacant and Mr. Bibb is decidedly Machiavellian. I definitely recommend that everyone put their kids to bed early and tune in to Bromwell High. the BEST episode in my estimation was the one where Kylie Rice-Davies sues the school because she can't read. Iqbal's proclamation to the staff after losing the trial is priceless!
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