Is the nudity worth the effort? No.
31 August 2005
Cindy is a very curious girl. Her big sister Donna can get all the men she desires, in fact she has a new one every night of the week. Even her good ol' dad is having an affair with a stripper he met at a bar. (Looking at his screechy shrew of a wife, I'm not surprised..) Why can't she get that kind of passion in her life? So follows two hours of tedious 'coming of age' drama which basically is film-speak for "lets convince our young starlets to deprive themselves of their tops every two minutes".I have to admit I was shocked not to discover Russ Meyer's name among the credits. Mind you, the women in this movie are probably not quite busty enough for him, and there's no sign of the underlying humour here that you see in his best work. Yep, this is serious stuff all the way, and all the softcore sex, lesbian, massage and shower scenes seem to be building up towards making a firm point about the futility of a hedonistic lifestyle. Personally I'm not buying it for a minute.. this is a skin flick with a moralistic ending thrown in an afterthought just to satisfy the censors so it could get a mainstream release. In the matter of whether you should watch it or not, I would say: If you want mild porn, go to one of the many specialist shops that cater to your particular needs. If you want a quality movie about growing up, I would suggest The Breakfast Club or Flirting. Under no accounts should you sit through this nonsense. Unless you want to be put off sex for life.. 0/10
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