Rik Mayall - Just fantastic as Adonis Cnut!
4 September 2005
"Believe Nothing" is a wonderfully funny sitcom with a small but fantastic cast. You can't really compare this show with anything else he's done (except "The New Statesmen", so I've heard). Nothing lewd or crude, like in "The Young Ones" or "Bottom" (which I love just as much though). You can't help but laugh at quadruple professor Adonis Cnut - who knows everything about anything, but nothing about the common man. The relationship between Adonis and Albumen (his manservant) is wildly outrageous. I would have really liked to see the outcome of his relationship with Dr. Awkward (had the series gone on longer). It's the "misplaced vanity" that actor Rik Mayall finds so funny that keeps you laughing, and the better than average story lines that keeps you watching. The DVD has some really great outtakes too. It's just a shame that there are only six episodes.

Rik is a real favorite of mine right now, and I only wish he was more popular here in the U.S. because I buy most of his shows directly from Britain.
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