3: The Dale Earnhardt Story (2004 TV Movie)
#3 Dale Earnhardt Story
12 September 2005
You know as I was watching the movie I couldn't help but think that this Barry Pepper guy that was playing as Dale did an excellent job at it. The movie was great. I would give it 100. Dale Earnhardt didn't die because of someone was sick and tired of him winning all the time he died because he did what he loved. That is what matters the most. When he was growing up his dad was always hard on him. Finally one day he said he was going to be just like his daddy, by god he was. He grew up to be a race car driver. Dale Earnhardt Sr touched so many people's lives. He was the best race car driver anyone could ask for. He has won so many car races. He was the 7 time winning champion. He may have started off having a rough life but he made it for it in the end. I am happy to say that Dale Earnhardt Sr you are so many peoples role models and you are still today touching so many lives. He maybe gone and in his grave but always remember he is flying over each and everyone of us with wings and he is up in heaven still racing and winning. Sadley gone but not forgotten.

We love you Dale Earnhardt
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