"What are you talking about?"
27 September 2005
For the first 90 minutes of this motion picture, it seems one hears that line of dialog every five minutes, and it grows to be irritating quickly. The last 20 minutes are the most interesting in this talky film with a very low budget for set decoration. The writers offer interesting thoughts on a sort of judgment day, which, of course, are not consistent with any religious doctrine.

The script could have used a much more suspenseful build up to the climax. Instead, it slogs through tedium mingled with that obnoxious "What are you talking about" line spoken every five minutes, or so it seems.

The cast is superb, doing the best they can with this script. John Garfield is in typical form. Eleanor Parker is radiant as the devoted wife Ann. Faye Emerson shines as the hardboiled actress.
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