Side Effects (I) (2005)
Could tell it was someone's first film, but was funny and had a lot to say
19 October 2005
I could tell it was the director's first film and thought it moved a little slow in the beginning and jumped around sometimes. However, the info was great and if you can handle the little jokes and enjoy it and learn from it for what it is, I thought it was a great movie. I had actually seen the Constant Gardener about 45 minutes before I saw this. I got the impression that the Constant Gardener was a look at the pharmaceutical industry from someone trying to get into it to learn what was going on. Side Effects was a look at the inside of the industry from someone who knew what was going on and wanted out. One thing I will say is, if someone doesn't have a lot of money and wants to get the word out about this industry, it won't be a super HIGH budget film or THE BEST ACTORS/ACTRESSES IN THE WORLD. It will be a lower budget film, with good or even really good acting. Sponsors are afraid to support it, people are probably afraid to be in it, and these scenarios won't give you ALL the money or actors you want.
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