O dear o dear..
29 October 2005
Well well, my first post here on the IMDb, I didn't think I would ever register, been reading it for years and years.. Anyway, I just had to register after seeing this film (on TV) and if I can save just one soul from having to sit through the whole ordeal I'll be a very happy person, what went wrong?!?! I mean.. other than everything!! What an absolutely hideous film, avoid it, at all costs! Bad acting? We're talking wooden, Solid, as in solid mahogany!, the film looked absolutely terrible (of course this could have been down to the TV print)it looked panned, I'm guessing this was shot in panavision? Though i've not checked this yet on the technical spec. I thought I was going to enjoy this as soon as i saw Lalo Schifrin credited for the film's Score, but I'm sad to say I was pretty unimpressed with that, and i'm a big Schifrin fan. I kept thinking it was going to get better, and before I knew it, the end credits were rolling..
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